Friday, January 29, 2016

Week 7 Blog

When I was researching information on our homework assignment dealing with service agreements, I realize that if  own a business that you want to implement a cloud infrastructure, you need to make sure that the service provider that you use is held accountable for any technical issues that may arise. You also want to make when you purchasing a agreement that your information will be secured, and  updates and patches are are installed properly with no issue that will cause disruption of daily business flow throughout the organization.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Week 6 Blog

This week information about protecting clients and servers made me think how so many businesses might not realize the issues that may arise if you don't have the right security implementations, and service agreements setup with your service provider. Your cloud infrastructure big or small need to be setup for security, scalability and proficiency in order to improve your business cost and output wherever your businesses is located nation wide or abroad.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The week's assignment pertaining to benefits of Cloud computing for businesses is pretty interesting. You never realize how many businesses big or small, depend on cloud computing to help with cost saving and reliability of services to help keep their business running efficiently.  More jobs are being created daily with the use of cloud computing because you can hire workers that can work from home which save a company from having to worry about leasing property or having to hire additional staff because of the work load.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week 4 Post

Week 4 lesson on cloud technologies and alternatives is a pretty interesting subject. I never knew that there were so many different types of cloud based applications out there.  When I always hear the word "cloud" I always though of Verizon backing all the data from your mobile phone or tablet to some type of server,.  Didn't realize how so many games and apps we used today are  based on cloud applications.