Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Week 3 Blog


Well this weeks homework on Fibre Channel storage network & iSCSI storage network was long and interesting subject. I actually had to read the chapter a couple times so I can get an idea on how both storage network technologies operate. I still having  of a hard time with this topic, but that's what learning is all about.  Fibre Channel is a high speed network that performs services that are broken down into classes ranging from 1 thru 6 in order to connect servers to data to a storage area network (SAN).  It uses 3 types of topologies to define how devices are connected to each other. Point-to-Point topology is a connection between two devices can connect  over a distance of 1,000 meters, Another topology is a Abitrated Loop,  connects multiple devices together using chain like formation that connects to form a unbroken circle that communicates in one direction, and Switched Fabric, where devices and components pass data through each other with the help of switches.  iSCSI Storage network is a protocol that lets you send  data long distances over an IP network using SCISI commands. you can use a  virtual Area Network (VLAN) or ethernet switching to minimize additional cost of purchasing additional device for data throughout the network.

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